First Aid Refills

Fully stocked, comprehensive first aid box is a required first aid essential. Your First Aid Box should be fully stocked and up-to-date. Your First Aid Box should be checked on a regular basis.

Fully stocked, comprehensive first aid box is a required first aid essential. Your First Aid Box should be fully stocked and up-to-date. Your First Aid Box should be checked on a regular basis.

A badly stocked or incorrect type of First Aid Box is the equivelent of not having a box at all.


If your First Aid Box was supplied by St Bernard’s First Aid & Safety Training Institute, we can replace used or out-of-date items one for one.

If your First Aid Box was supplied by a third party, we can replace used or out-of-date items with a suitable equivalent. First Aid Box Upgrades if required.

Inspection on your First Aid Box to ensure viability. Ensure you have the correct type of First Aid Box for your requirements


If you are unsure of what you need please contact St Bernard’s. Our helpful staff will be happy to advise on all your requirements related to First Aid Courses, Supplies and Equipment.


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