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Fire Safety
Fire Safety Consultancy
Our fire safety consultancy service is designed to help companies in meeting fire safety legal obligations whilst also ensuring that…
Fire Risk Assessment
A fire safety risk assessment ensures that fire hazards are identified, risk of each identified fire hazard caluculated so any…
Fire Drills
Fire drills ensure that employees are familiar with what actions are to be done when the fire alarm sounds whilst…
Health & Safety
Food & Beverage Industry Consultancy
Our tailored consultancy service for the food and beverage industry ensures that one is compliant with legislation whilst also ensuring…
Pat Testing
Portable Applicance Testing (PAT) is testing of all portable applicances at the workplace, by a licensed electrician in order to…
Young Persons Risk Assessment
A young persons risk assessment is essential in order to ensure that there are no workplace hazards to youths in…
Visual Display Unit (VDU) Risk Assessment
A visual display unit (VDU) risk assessment is a study of the work activity where employees would be assigned work…
Work Station Risk Assessment
A work station risk assessment is a study of the work station and work activities in order to identify whether…
Maternity Risk Assessment
A maternity risk assessment ensures that pregnant employees are not exposed to any hazard to heatlh whilst these are pregnant…
Design of Work Method Statements/s
Work method statement/s ensure that planned work is carried out as needed in a manner that there are no risk…
Health & Safety Audit
A Health & Safety audit is an excersice where health and safety shortcomings are identified and recommended to be implemented…
Health & Safety Risk Assessment
A Health & Safety risk assessment identifies potential hazards in the workplace, evaluates the risks associated with them and provides…